Moving Forward Catch Ups

Welcome to Moving Forward Catch ups – below you will find videos of the team chatting about various aspects of the project, from patient involvement to clinical engagement, from project management to research!

Kay and Laura

Kay Stevenson – Consultant Physiotherapist and Project Lead

Laura Campbell – Knowledge Broker

Kay and Laura give an update of the project so far (June 2020) and discuss the process of working with patients, the NIHR, clinical and academic colleagues to co-produce an easy read patient friendly version of the NIHR Themed Review.

Impact Accelerator Unit, Keele University

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Coming soon….

Kay and Nicki

Kay Stevenson – Consultant Physiotherapist and Project Lead

Nicki Evans, Impact Accelerator Unit Manager

Kay and Nicki give an update of the project so far (July 2020) and discuss the project management of Moving Forward

Impact Accelerator Unit, Keele University

Email us: